How it works

Automated, secure
and open

Explore how our automated no-manual-input approach can connect with your existing tech stack, save colleagues from tedious data entry and improve your overall data quality. It's as magic as it sounds.

Automated data collection

Relata automatically connects to key data sources to build a detailed view of your relationships. From MS Graph to Bloomberg, we have a host of options to generate the full picture of your network.

No-manual-input is our driving mantra.

Secure, robust
& cloud-first

We work with some of the worlds largest financial institutions and have a deep understanding of what it takes to meet the rigorous security requirements of large enterprise.

With over 7 years of ISO27001 certification, and meeting a host of security standards such as Cyber Essentials, we pride ourselves on keeping your data secure.

Your data security is our top priority.

Open API standards

It's simple to use Relata's data to enrich other mission critical platforms like your CRM. Following the latest OpenAPI specification with developer friendly swagger documentation, you can have data flowing in a matter of hours.

Connect with ease to your key platforms.

Responsive, accessible dashboards

Built using the latest technology, and designed to meet WCAG AA standards, our highly-praised UX makes navigating your network a breeze. You can also check-in on your network on the go with our mobile web experience.

No more dated dashboards with poor usability.